Thursday, May 25, 2006

The one true Pulasthicator

I've always wondered what the originator looks like. He looks mildly pulasthicated to boot... Whatte loulie!


visesh said...

pulasthicandranath chattopadhyay

i found one "Lambs Navy Rum" in a a liquor store, if you have about 6-7 cuttings of that item, you will end up looking like the gentleman in the picture

i will unleash that on to the top terrace in december

mu ha ha ha ha ha ha

koidy said...

hahahaha good one shanky.

for the unititiated, the gent featured in the pic is Mr.Pulasthi Gunaratne, erstwhile Sri Lankan not-so-quick bowler, who was so ill treated by sachin, caddy and the boys that his name found immortality in bikang lore, very much in the fashion of Mr.Manoj Prabhakar.

Tor Vic said...

Wah! I am drinking Dilmah cardamom tea as I type this. Seriously doubt that that's what he is drinking.