Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bikang Raises the Bar...

And goes to Mahabs for Sunday Dinner!

Rich!! Organised in Qualis and all. Thanks to Tane, no one has to be bothered about driving back, well...

Life gets better and better!!


PS: A Rao in the house, with many an evil arrack (Singala Pazhaya Saaraayam)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Time for a new layout?

PS Jain, P Sagarmal Jain, Psaignnn, Saigon, Heignnn, Peter Heignnn...

We need a sahasranamam to propitiate the gods of blog layout...

Visesh - time for a new look, don't you think?

Bikang dominates the Americans...

For further wedding pics featuring non-bikangers visit

Thursday, February 23, 2006


And who d've thot...
Party 6: Need we say more?

PS: Lodd, We know whats good for you...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Flea

Inspired by Gorf's post on the pregnancy test video, here's a spoof ad for the I-Pod, that I stumbled upon. It's hilarious!

The Flea

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

vic the wandering prasad

torvic sadpra - bikangs blogfather
bangalore ?

where are you.......

Monday, February 20, 2006

Yennatthe Solla...

Party 4: Nice and quiet
Party 5: Anything but... (apparently)

1.75 ltrs of tequila to Real Grape Juice
Attempted Margarita to trip to Hotel Rainbow

If I think of party itself I'm getting smashed

SOS (Save Our Souls)

Friday, February 17, 2006

In view of marriage.....

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Thursday, February 16, 2006


(Mother cocked me)

2 shooters and several LIITs later, its officially MKed.

What is there...

Party count: 3, yeah yeah... BnB, wednesday, the 316s...

SOS (Same Old Shit)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy { V } Day

Bikes all over
Its Valentines day
Lou is in the air

Beach house party pics

Some pics from the pre-wedding beach house party...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

dubai sheikh reporting

yo yo yo bikes
dubai sheikh reports
getting used to the place
will move in to house in a couple of weeks
tis getting ready
sharing accomodation is the scene
old monk rocks, yes even in dubai
Dubai Open starts shortly
the stadium is right opposite my office
bought myself tickets to watch federets ahassi and sharapova
more updates later

Tuesday, February 07, 2006