Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Matriarch does us proud


Recently, The Evil Matriarch spotted various luminaries such as David, HS Plaha and others at some airport or the other. First thought? "Photo! Photo! Photo!"

Friday, January 26, 2007

It was a Hyderabad being there anyhow!

Well taken out Bikes. One clap for the couple who made it all happen.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Bernoulli's Equation, Pascal's Law, Water Fountains and the whole nine yards...'s_law

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Why this tragic loss of communication?

Now that the gang of bikes has returned from Hyd-B (that wonderful locale of spectacular weddings), it is time for the grand saga of "The Astounding Travels and Travails of a Heroic Bikang, Culminating in the Joyous Wedding of DruckB & Thyle.


And psaignnn - take a break and redesign the website.
Am I the only one left on this blog? Should it be a fear being here anyhow? Is "mama-mama" still common? Have bears started using toilets? *cue music* Where have all the bikes gone? Where have aaaalllll the bi-eeeks goooooone? *Fade out*

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year, New Blog is no longer beta. Google has upgraded it with new features and a new format. This means you need to update your Blogger account, ideally with a google account. If you don't have one, someone who does has to send an invite.

Blog on. Have a Smokin' 2007!