Friday, June 17, 2005

arre yaar mera compact disc?

There is hope!

Shanky has surfaced!

Words everywhere!

Mebbe some will find their way to this blog?

Psaighnn? official pic uploader, where art?

Others... what would the 'etc' be in the line "music like Lionel Ritchie... etc"?


visesh said...

psaignnn is here, working on image for teh twin, will be uploaded shortly

... said...


A truly objective approach!


And the winner of course is the last category :

"We are the world is the music of Lionel Ricthie, Michael Jackson etc."

Now that we've cleared the air... can u give me more names?

... said...

What? actually needed that info. But what is there... bangalore guys to the rescue. Vic P has rocked the show and THAT GUY has promised to get upto speed real soon.