I was downloading a host of free pdfs of classic works by famous authors and it got me thinking...What would their anto-nyms be?
Lewis Carroll - Lewis RockSong
Leo Tolstoy - Leo Shortstoy
Thomas More - Thomas Less
Edgar Allan Poe - Edgar Allan Vaa
Samuel Butler - Samuel Master
Oscar Wilde - Oscar Tame
Nicolo Machiavelli - Nicolo Machanaavelli
H. G. Wells - H. G. Pumps
Daniel Defoe - Daniel Defriend
D. H. Lawrence - D. H. Anarchyrence
The Brothers Grimm - The Brothers Gay
Hans Christian Andersen - Hans Antichristian Andersen
Salman Rushdie - Salman Tarrydie
V.S. Naipaul - V. S. Poonaipaul
Douglas Adams - Douglas Eves
Shobha De - Shobha Nite
William Shakespeare - William Stillpin
....adding to torvics gems
J R R Tolkein - J R R Shortkein
Kurt Vonnegut - Kurt Dontwannegut
Roald Dahl - Unroald Dahl
Isaac Asimov - Idontsac Asimov
Anne Rice - Anne Dal
Ayn Rand - Ayn Rupee
Amitav Ghosh - Imightnothave Ghosh
Stephen King - Stephen Queen
Michael Crichton - Michael Crichquintal
Arthur C Clarke - Arthur Dont See Charke
Frederick Forsyth - Fredrick Notforsyth
P G Woodehouse - P G Glasshouse
This one is extremely malleable
Sue Townsend - Dont Sue Townsend
Sue Townsend - Sue Villagesend
Sue Townsend - Sue Townget
......and finally
Sue Townsend - Dont SueVillageget