Sunday, November 27, 2005

Friday, November 25, 2005

George Best

Black day for football
George Best

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Finis off the Inis...


Details, please. The deliberations, inebriations, incarcerations and preparations for the wedding of our one and only Spector. Inispector....

Terrace galatta. Old Monk galatta. Oms galatta. Studio galatta. T-shirt galatta. Cricket galatta. Old stories galatta. Pre-wedding galatta. Sade galatta. Wedding galatta. Post-wedding galatta. Galatta galatta.

Keep the international chapter of Bikang informed. We eagerly await.

its been a year

Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's a Paper Anniversary

One clap, please. It's been a year of bloggin at bikang now. Just glanced through the archives since Nov'04. It's a rich. Kudos to all contributors. Special mention: Psaignnn, for all the rich graphics and for being the only one who remembered this date!

Keep it going Bikes!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Maybe we should start a and run a competition between the two. My guess is that Bangalore will win hands down.


Check out...

Jabbed... my instructor sent me the link by the way.

Monday, November 14, 2005

World Heritage Tour

This was started by Tito Dupret, a Belgian, after he learnt about the destruction of the Buddha statues at Bamiyan by the Taliban. Those were the tallest Buddha statues in the world.

The objective of the site is to create a virtual record of all UNESCO World Heritage sites for all posterity to witness and enjoy. Can't help but support it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Online Media Repository - Free and Unlimited

Maybe 'Bikang Cup Trophy' could have an international debut here?!

How can one play/convert MPEG-4 files?

Long live the Public Domain!

I've downloaded a couple of movies, in MPEG-4 format, from the Internet Archive. Does anyone know of a video player or plugin that will play/conver .mp4 files?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Post-Diwali post

hope everyone had a good one.

the rains seemed to have returned with a vengeance. had to become darth 'wader' to make my way around koyambedu, to catch a bus to bangalore. will be back in chennai this weekend. hope to catch match #4 of #3. the flesh might be weak but the spirit is rocking! WE WILL WIN! WE WILL WIN! WE WILL WIN!

meanwhile, here are some timepass stumbles: