He rules the city man and whatay loulee city! Full pull - be it Indian restaurant or uShaka marine world - he rocked the show. We did off hajaar things over 4 days of the easter weekend.
Gambling in a casino, drinks at a jazz bar on a wharf overlooking the Durban port, sooper Indian grub at Palki, saying hello to a pride of lions just 2 feet away from our cars, breathtaking drive along the Drakensberg mountain range, full dirt quad-biking at Sani Pass in Underberg, sexy home cooked lunch courtesy Mrs. S, shark diving at uShaka Marine world - in a tank full of ragged tooth sharks (that's our man and his better half up there), snorkeling in a pond filled with over 400 species of fish and one sand shark - one with the fish...one with the fish..., dolphin show, clubbing at Stones, amazing breakfast at Fortunes and Zaks, chill-out on the beach with beer and ice-cream for breakfast.
It was a total rich. All I can say is, Inees for mayor - him da man!

Full photos at my yahoo photo album