He rules the city man and whatay loulee city! Full pull - be it Indian restaurant or uShaka marine world - he rocked the show. We did off hajaar things over 4 days of the easter weekend.
Gambling in a casino, drinks at a jazz bar on a wharf overlooking the Durban port, sooper Indian grub at Palki, saying hello to a pride of lions just 2 feet away from our cars, breathtaking drive along the Drakensberg mountain range, full dirt quad-biking at Sani Pass in Underberg, sexy home cooked lunch courtesy Mrs. S, shark diving at uShaka Marine world - in a tank full of ragged tooth sharks (that's our man and his better half up there), snorkeling in a pond filled with over 400 species of fish and one sand shark - one with the fish...one with the fish..., dolphin show, clubbing at Stones, amazing breakfast at Fortunes and Zaks, chill-out on the beach with beer and ice-cream for breakfast.
It was a total rich. All I can say is, Inees for mayor - him da man!

Full photos at my yahoo photo album
wah! rich photographs
not self, it was iii who was (and occasionally still is) the goat shark
who now is a proud owner (thanks to mapu) of a t-shirt proclaiming his goatness.
inis, you've absolutely got to see this one.
blog it... then we can all see his royal goatness
self in the corner of the pool, yeah i remember that one clearly, he refused to move, came out to fix his drink alone, from where i was it looked like a croc, full body under water, except for top of head and eyes - hahahahahahaha.
bikang - is its own discovery channel.
speaking of the dark continent, i am close by - what say Egypt trippers, anyone???????????
Fuckers. All having fun in different parts of the world... COME OFF TO THE U.S., DAMMIT!!!
Hey how about Istanbul???
been there, done that. is anyone interested in
Incredible Bali?
about egypt, anytime man...cept can't do from here. visa hassles.
Bali Itinerary: http://india.makemytrip.com/promotions/itinerary.htm
digressing are we, now.......
2007 is next year, Jamaicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here we come
iiiii put off list
kishore get the bikes on this plan
inis machan this one we shd do, we have been speaking abt it for so long
axe 'n' honey distance not a problem now
tor machan to homeland we shall go
Rest assured.
Egypt is for egyptians. Indonesia is for Indonesians.
None of that shit for us bikes.
Watch this space.
I have a feeling its gonna be Srilanka, buoyed by the recent #3 victory.
But Istanbul rocks.
Bali is out. Just went with my ex-fiance. I'm with P.S. Jain on this. Let's head off to the W. Indies and take out world cuup. Cheap and best...
wtf :-|
ratendranath fuckedapesh
yeah w'll do that belt, that will be bst, why not cambodia, alos, anyone
Mattere sollu man.
PS: 80 grand from where? And I'm assuming we are talking in terms of the Indian Rupee.
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