Drums God Caddy before he got hit-on by a female fan with the line: "You deserve a night of great sex and good sleep" !!!
We are not worthee!
Full photos uploaded to my Yahoo Photos album. Rock On!
P.S. On the drive back from Seattle to San Jose, Caddy, Labdee and I (i.e. myself not I, i.e. me not Self) became the unfortunate discoverers of certain beverages served at a gas station in Oregon that we decided to name 'Cacaffee and Piss Chocolate'!
it a nice.....well played yaar.....any recordings please??
Yaes yaes recordings are there... vicp will bring full show recording when he comes. Will try and upload one or two tracks soon.
BTW met the world famous studdoos finally!
Whatte loulie! "Drums God Caddy" - DGC... I beat jubbs to the acronym...
you must be referring to studsu.....
chicago, chicago
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